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I Forgot My Password

You must enter your Member Number or the e-mail address defined in the system. You can create your new password by clicking the link sent to your e-mail address. If you enter your phone number defined in the system, your member number and password will be sent to your phone as a message.
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Data protection declaration

Unless stated otherwise below, the provision of your personal data is neither legally nor contractually obligatory, nor required for conclusion of a contract. You are not obliged to provide your data. Not providing it will have no consequences. This only applies as long as the processing procedures below do not state otherwise.
“Personal data” is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Server log files

You can use our websites without submitting personal data. Every time our website is accessed, user data is transferred to us or our web hosts/IT service providers by your internet browser and stored in server log files. This stored data includes for example the name of the site called up, date and time of the request, the IP address, amount of data transferred and the provider making the request. The processing is carried out on the basis of Article 6(1) f) GDPR due to our legitimate interests in ensuring the smooth operation of our website as well as improving our services.

Contact Newsletter

Collection and processing when using the contact form

When you use the contact form we will only collect your personal data (name, email address, message text) in the scope provided by you. The data processing is for the purpose of making contact. By submitting your message you agree to the processing of your transmitted data. Processing will be carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR with your consent.You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with your consent up to the withdrawal. We will only use your email address to process your request. Finally your data will be deleted, unless you have agreed to further processing and use.

Use of your email address for mailing of newsletters

We use your email address outside of contractual processing exclusively to send you a newsletter for our own marketing purposes, if you have explicitly agreed to this. The processing will be carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with your consent up to the withdrawal. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter a

Use of your email address for mailing of direct marketing

We use your email address, which we obtained in the course of selling a good or service, for the electronic transmission of marketing for our own goods or services which are similar to those you have already purchased from us, unless you have objected to this use. You must provide your email address in order to conclude a contract. Failure to provide it will prevent the conclusion of any contract. The processing will be carried out on the basis of art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR due to our justified interest in direct marketing. You can object to this use of your email address at any time by contacting us. You will find the contact details for exercising your right to object in our imprint. You can also use the link provided in the marketing email. This will not involve any costs other than transmission costs at basic tariffs.

Merchandise management

Use of an external merchandise management system

We use a merchandise management system in the course of order processing for the purposes of contractual processing. For this purpose your personal data as collected in the course of the order will be sent to Eigenes Warenwirtschaftssystem, Biobellinda GmbH, Gottlieb-Dunkel-Str. 43-44, 12099 Berlin

Payment service providers

Use of PayPal

All PayPal transaction are covered by the PayPal Data Privacy Statement. You can found this at

Rights of persons affected and storage duration

Duration of storage

After contractual processing has been completed, the data is initially stored for the duration of the warranty period, then in accordance with the retention periods prescribed by law, especially tax and commercial law, and then deleted after the period has elapsed, unless you have agreed to further processing and use.

Rights of the affected person

If the legal requirements are fulfilled, you have the following rights according to art. 15 to 20 GDPR: Right to information, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability. You also have a right of objection against processing based on art. 6 (1) GDPR, and to processing for the purposes of direct marketing, according to art. 21 (1) GDPR.
Contact us at any time. Our contact details can be found in our imprint.

Right to complain to the regulatory authority

You have the right to complain to the regulatory authority according to art. 77 GDPR if you believe that your data is not being processed legally.

Right to object

If the data processing outlined here is based on our legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6(1)f) GDPR, you have the right for reasons arising from your particular situation to object at any time to the processing of your data with future effect. If the objection is successful, we will no longer process the personal data, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that outweigh your interests or rights and freedoms, or the processing is intended for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.

If personal data is being processed for the purposes of direct advertising, you can object to this at any time by notifying us. If the objection is successful, we will no longer process the personal data for the purposes of direct advertising.

last update: 23.10.2019

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Fast Support Quick and Easy Solution
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3D Secure Secure Payment Method